Konecranes for startups

For disruptive startups and scaleups, Konecranes offers what it takes to scale in the industrial sector. 

As a global market leader in industrial material handling technology and services, Konecranes serves a broad range of customers, including manufacturing and process industries, shipyards, ports, and terminals.

Konecranes can become your commercial partner, trusted customer, or both. You have come to the right place if your goal is to scale up!

We help startups and scale-ups offering disruptive solutions to
scale up faster

We believe your success is our success.



  • "Konecranes is an ideal industrial, B2B2B use case for our product and had a significant impact on our roadmap. We managed to sign another company that is a supplier to Konecranes, and are on the verge of signing a second one. This was an unexpected network effect for us."
  • "For us as a young company working through Reach Program meant that we could actually start to concentrate on doing the work we were chosen to do. It was aligned internally very quickly which use-cases to work on by involving many stakeholders right from the beginning. We have so far really enjoyed working with Konecranes in an open, honest and trusting way."
  • "Konecranes partnership has been extremely rewarding for us and it has been great to see how much they have improved in the way they work with startups. We have also started collaborating in internal venturing where the highlight has been co-organizing an internal venturing program for Konecranes R&D and innovation teams where all the mentoring sessions were hosted by our startups and investors."
    Ville Simola, CEO of Maria 01
  • "We love working with Konecranes. They have been extremely well-organized and the vendor onboarding process has been flawless."
  • "Working with Konecranes is a great pleasure. Always professional and well prepared in their targets to improve digital service processes with Remote Guidance from XMReality - They simply bring out the best in us as we continue to build the next level of customer service together"

The leanest way to a business relationship with a global industry-leader

Work with us

Konecranes has worked with startups since 2015. We are constantly looking for opportunities to leverage our scale to create new business. Startups inspire us enormously with their innovative and agile way of creating technical solutions, which in many cases can disrupt the whole industry. That is why we are committed to collaborate and combining the best of both worlds!

Startups solving industrial problems with solutions, for example, in IoT and analytics, machine learning, AI, or automation - we encourage you to reach out to us!

How we work
  • We build collaboration on transparency and trust
  • Our contract processes with startups are lean
  • All the pilot projects are commercial, which means we will always pay for them
  • If the pilot was successful, we are open to continuing and scaling our collaboration
  • We can provide references for your investor discussions
What we offer
  • World class brand, reputation & network of our 16 000 experts
  • Commercial paid partnership & collaboration
  • Possibility of new product market fit
  • Investor references
  • Collaboration with a corporate partner of one of Europe’s largest startup campus (Maria 01 in Helsinki)

Three ways for collaboration

REACH is our open call for startups. We seek promising solutions in the market for strategic business themes.The goal is to maximize business impact - minimize time to value in collaboration between Konecranes and best-in-class startup entrepreneurs.
Konecranes defines the focus area of the Reach Program, which is related to improving Konecranes’ offering or business processes.
A one month application period open for startups to submit their contact information. When the application period closes, Konecranes screens and interviews selected applications.
Selection day
Based on the interviews, Konecranes shortlists 5 startups for Selection Day. A brief sparring session is offered for TOP 5 before their pitching on Selection Day. Konecranes business owners will make the final decision with which startup to proceed.
Konecranes establish a PoC or pilot with selected startup(s) through commercial partnership, as a paying customer for a startup.
Roll out
If the pilot was successful, we can continue and scale our collaboration!
Apply now
Discovery is our solution scouting track when Konecranes has identified business needs that require innovative solutions. We scout ready to-scale technology solutions to meet those identified needs with our fast-track procurement process.

Use our Discovery track to cut out the middleman and contact us directly.
Your solution might be exactly what we are looking for!

Contact Us

Key contact person
Your business information
Company stage (required)
I have read and understood the Vendor Contact Data Protection
Apply now
Zero4 is a Konecranes-led R&I program focusing on development of unified material flow platform. The program is part of Business Finland's national "Veturi" program. We look for both solver and implementer companies to join the ecosystem and contribute to better, safer and more sustainable material flows.



This guide provides you, the startup, a vantage point to form successful partnerships with corporations. Continuing the themes of our last year’s guide, these learnings are the result of hundreds of engagements with entrepreneurs, dozens of projects of different sizes, and several mutually successful partnerships with startups from a range of industries - not forgetting the less successful cases, either.

Download your guide


This guide provides you, the startup, with valuable information about forming and carrying out fruitful partnerships with traditional corporations. By sharing some important learnings from our journey so far, we want to give insights on how to take these collaborations from special projects to business as usual.

Download your guide

16 500
billion in sales (2022)


Konecranes moves what matters. We are a global leader in material handling solutions, serving a broad range of customers across multiple industries. Konecranes consistently sets the industry benchmark, from everyday improvements to the breakthroughs at moments that matter most, because we know we can always find a safer, more productive and sustainable way.

With our knowledge, products, services and solutions we play a critical role in the handling of materials and goods essential for people, while also ensuring the preservation of scarce resources and reduction of emissions. We create value for our stakeholders on multiple fronts: through circular economy, digitalization and our deeply rooted safety culture. Read more about sustainability at Konecranes.
In 2022, Group sales totaled EUR 3.4 billion. The Group has around 16,500 employees in 50 countries. Konecranes shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki.

Visit our website to learn more about Konecranes


More information

We are present in 50 countries, encompassing more than ten different customer segments and industries. We believe that co-innovation and startup collaboration should be as versatile as our customer segments, which is why we are actively looking for global partners. Startup hubs, accelerators, and other ecosystem players - wherever you are in the world, reach out to us!

Ville Hoppu
Ville Hoppu
Partnership Manager
Iina Seppälä
Iina Seppälä
Partnership Specialist